Meet Michelle


Michelle Olivia Smith

Inspirational Speaker, Author, and Certified Christian Life Coach

Desiring to empower Christian women and organizations to achieve excellence, Michelle has delivered live and virtual keynotes and training to many businesses, associations, churches and women's organizations. In her secular career, Michelle has advised organizations on improving workplace culture and achieving international management certification. Michelle found organizational development work rewarding, but her true passion is teaching the Word of God. Certified by the Professional Christian Coaching and Counseling Academy, Michelle found her joy in speaking at women’s conferences, retreats and churches and coaching in various women’s ministry settings.

Michelle believes that the key to resilience is knowing how to handle change and transition with skill. “From Transition to Transformation” is Michelle’s signature keynote where she shares how to take control of life’s difficult transitions and transform them into positive change. Also offered as an audio coaching program, “From Transition to Transformation” will empower the hearer to rise above difficulties that come from career, personal, or organizational change. Book Michelle now to bring this delightful infusion to your group or organization!

Michelle’s coaching motto is, "Find your purpose. Reach your goals. Walk in victory!"

Michelle credits her faith in God for her accomplishments. She believes that the key to positive change for organizations and individuals lies in optimizing faith, and that applying Biblical principles to leadership, decision making, and goal setting ensures success, causing failures to become steppingstones to the next victory.

Michelle, her husband Samuel, and their daughter Olivia live in Virginia just an hour south of the nation’s capital. Book her for your next live or virtual event, get plugged into her email list, and get the keys to positive change through her book and audio coaching program online at

Just a few of the places where Michelle has keynoted, coached, mentored, or trained:

Michelle’s Speaker One Sheet

Michelle would be delighted to speak at your event. Her speaker “one sheet” is designed to be easily shared with your event selection committee or other decision maker. To book Michelle, click on the link below and complete the booking form, and someone will get right back to you. Make your next event a delightful inspiration, book Michelle today!

Download Michelle’s Speaker One Sheet

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